More about the Planet Project

The core purpose of the Planet Project is to help create the optimal conditions for the emergence of a new civilization and worldview that honors all people, all life, and our planet. These optimal conditions must be cultural conditions because culture shapes our worldview, our operating assumptions, and our actions. Today our prevalent culture supports the view that humans are rulers of the planet, entitled to extract and consume her resources and pollute her air and waters endlessly, without consequences. The Planet Project aims to co-create a culture and worldview that recognizes our planet as one whole interconnected system of systems that includes all people, all life, and the natural environment.

The Planet Project is a movement and a call to action for people and organizations who share this vision to join together and co-create a global ecological civilization. The Project will invite people who share this core vision to become part of the Planet Movement, to find support and community, and commit to shared actions that help co-create a new world. The Project aims to reach 2 billion people, about 25% of global population, and reach a tipping point towards Planetary culture and consciousness.

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The Planet Project Platform



Today we are immersed in culture as never before through our electronic screens and ear buds. Digital media and connectivity are incredibly powerful tools that we now use in mostly frivolous and sometimes harmful ways. The internet is plagued with growing deception and exploitation, but these tools can also be used for good purposes. What if we used internet media to offer people healthy experiences and helpful knowledge? What if we could consciously create and broadcast positive culture that tells new stories with heroes who model compassion and kindness? With images and messages that uplift and inspire, that frees people and empowers them to find their own gifts and become a positive force in the world?

To spread positive culture and build connected communities, the Planet Project will build and grow a digital platform on the internet, with several major functionalities. Starting from a prototype website, the platform will grow and evolve, to serve these main purposes:

• Broadcast positive culture globally using diverse media, leading-edge technology, and the talents of freelance creatives.

  • Become the home base for the Planet Movement where people can join, interact, find support and connection, and make personal commitments to shared actions.

  • Become a community of communities, activating both a global virtual community and local, real communities of fellowship, partnership, and positive action.

  • Create and grow a partnership network of aligned organizations that supports and amplifies the good work already being done in the world.

  • Provide a commerce exchange that links certified goods and services with peoples’ needs, using both conventional money and alternative exchanges of value.

Stewardship of the Project

The Planet Project platform and other aspects of the Planet Project will be stewarded by a non-profit organization called The Planet Project Stewardship Entity that:

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  • Maintains and grows the digital platform.

  • Acquires major funding by interfacing with Foundations and wealthy individuals who are aligned with the Planet Project. Most of this funding will be used to support a small staff of media creators, freelance content creators, and for grants to partner organizations and who need financial help.

  • Facilitates and encourages community input of content to refresh and grow the platform.

  • Manages a vetting process to assure alignment of values with partners.

The staff will be assisted and supported by a Governing Board and an Advisory Circle of influencers, experts, and key supporters.

The Core Values of Planet

  1. We value and seek truth, and we strive to be honest in all we do.

  2. We value science as a process for discovering truth.

  3. We strive to generate wellbeing and minimize harm in all we do.

  4. All people must have their basic needs met.

  5. All people must be empowered to reach their highest potential.

  6. We value personal freedom for everyone, so each of us can discover our unique creative gifts and share them with the world.

  7. We have sacred regard for all life and the Planetary system.

  8. We seek to grow compassion in the world.

  9. We believe in the power of love.

  10. We value self-organizing social change based in openness and humility.

  11. We don’t have all the answers.

  12. All our decisions and actions must be aligned with our core values.

The Core Principles of Planet

  1. All people, all life, and all our planetary systems are interconnected and interdependent.

  2. Our many problems today cannot be solved from the same mindset that created them, to paraphrase Einstein. A new mindset, a new worldview, a new consciousness is needed.

  3. Human consciousness is evolving, and it is the evolution of consciousness that brings the possibility of a better future for humanity and all life on the planet.

  4. Evolution is emergent and self-organizing, therefore our efforts must support this natural process.

  5. Cooperation and partnership promote innovation and evolution.

  6. Humans are social animals who thrive in genuine communities of connection, support, and collaboration.

  7. Creating and spreading positive culture is the most effective means for social change, and for supporting the evolution of consciousness.

  8. Digital and internet technologies are the most powerful tools available today for spreading positive culture.