Emerging World in the News

“ With Shared Emotions and Global Empathy, Our Best Days Await. ” April 7, 2021.

“Roger Briggs' ‘Emerging World’ offers simple ways to fix our broken planet. His suggestions are well-grounded, based on detailed analyses of information from numerous disciplines including evolutionary biology, paleoanthropology, cognitive psychology, philosophy, economics, and sociology — including a much-needed discussion of restorative justice. Briggs' eclectic book is a fascinating and thought-provoking journey…. My humble suggestion is to read his book, read it again, and share it widely.”

- Marc Bekoff, Ph.D., professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and co-founder with Jane Goodall of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Pangje Foundation Founder and Himalayan climber Brad Clement’s podcast, Wild Places, shares engaging stories from people passionate about all things wild who are doing good for the earth and having incredible journeys through nature. Recent episodes have included conversations with former Everest Guide and high level policy maker Luis Benitez, wildlife biologists ranging from Dr. Natalie Schmitt to Jim Williams and Deadliest Catch producer Doug Stanley. In Episode 15, Clement talks to Roger Briggs about his early days as a revolutionary rock climber to his paradigm shifting work as a steward of the outdoors to his new book about the evolution of human consciousness and future of civilization.


Longtime University of Colorado researcher and writer Beth Bennett, a producer on KGNU’s How on Earth crew, speaks with Roger about his new book: Emerging World, which explores the evolution of consciousness and makes the case that humanity is now on the verge of a major transformation, a monumental turning point in our story. Emerging World offers a new understanding of our crisis today and points the way to a bright future for humanity and life on our planet.


KGNU is an independent, noncommercial Colorado community radio station dedicated to serving its listeners through programming that reflects the diversity of the local and world community while encouraging all peoples access to and participation in independent media. Denver Program Manager Dave Ashton interviewed author, climber, and Boulder native Roger Briggs for a special Summer Fund Drive show to discuss his new book 'Emerging World: The Evolution of Consciousness and the Future of Humanity.' 

THE BOULDERISTA PODCAST, Episode 24. May 13, 2021

The Boulderista Podcast highlights the Boulder lifestyle through the stories of local influencers, their roots and impact on the community. In Episode 24, host Sherrie Figueroa discusses the current state of human affairs and where we go from here during an exploration of “Emerging World” with Roger, as well as his climbing and stewardship legacy.